Tor Browser 13.0.14 + Portable (2024 Latest)

Tor Browser is a special web browser designed to keep you safe and private when using the internet. It helps protect your identity and stops others from tracking what you do online. This version works on Windows and also includes a portable version, so you can use it on different computers without needing to install it. The browser connects to the Tor network, making your internet use more secure and hidden from prying eyes.

What does it do? Tor Browser allows you to go online without revealing your identity. It’s perfect for people who want to avoid being tracked, escape censorship, or just keep their personal information safe. It’s easy to use, and the latest version is available for free download.

Key Features:

  1. Safe Browsing:
    Tor Browser helps you browse the internet in a secure way. It’s built on Mozilla Firefox, so it looks familiar and is easy to use.
  2. Extra Security Add-On:
    A special add-on called HTTPS Everywhere is included. This add-on ensures that your connection to websites is always encrypted, making it harder for anyone to spy on what you’re doing.
  3. Custom Connection Setup:
    Before you start using Tor, the browser asks you how you want to connect. You can either choose a regular connection or adjust the settings if you need to use a proxy or firewall to access the internet.
  4. Easy-to-Use Settings:
    Tor Browser comes with extra security settings like “Torbutton,” which lets you control things like cookies (which websites use to track you) or change your identity to stay even more private.
See also  Mozilla Firefox: Latest Version 131.0 + Portable

Who is it for?
Tor Browser is great for anyone who wants to be safe while browsing the internet. It’s simple enough for beginners but has advanced settings for experts who want more control over their privacy.

In summary, Tor Browser gives you everything you need to browse safely online. You don’t need to be a tech expert to use it, but for those who are, there are extra tools to customize your security.

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